How can I help myself?


Quit smoking

Smoking can trigger inflammation, causing arthritis in some people
who have a genetic trait. Many studies have proven that smokers have a more severe disease with reduced response to medication. Smokers usually have more joint damage and internal organ involvement especially that of the lungs, heart and blood vessels.
Smoking causes an increase of - inflammation causing agents called cytokines. As smoking continuously increases these cytokines, response to treatment is also reduced. Complete cessation of smoking is advised. Vaping though considered safer is also thought to worsen joint symptoms, therefore all forms of smoking cessation is advised.


Lose weight

Obese individuals have a higher and an earlier onset of joint damage. This is due to the increased weight burden on the joints over time. Hips, lower back and knees are the major weight bearing joints and any increase in weight can cause decreased stability to these joints. Weight loss can help in reducing the net weight over these joints and reduces the overall strain. Five kg weight loss is said to reduce 50% of strain over the knees and can aid in improving the joint symptoms. Obese individuals tend to find physical activity difficult due to the weight burden, therefore loosing weight can also aid in the increased activity which is necessary to keep fit.


Eating healthy

Diet rich in processed food with high salt and sugar content can trigger inflammatory responses. These foods also cause weight gain which further contributes to joint pains. Excess red meat and organ meat consumption increase the Uric acid levels in the body which can worsen symptoms of gout. Citrus fruit intake has shown improvement in the symptoms in patients with Gout. Anti-Inflammatory diet which is thought to reduce symptoms advises fresh fruits such as citrus fruits, melons, green leafy vegetables and legumes, whole grains, omega rich nuts such as almonds, walnuts and flax seeds, low fat diary and eggs.



Excess alcohol consumption is directly linked to an increased inflammatory response especially in Gout. Alcohol consumption is to be avoided in patients taking certain anti-rheumatic medications as it can worsen the medication response and increase the side effects which might not be present otherwise. Alcohol cessation is advised.



Muscle strengthening and weight bearing exercises are advised for improvement in the bone and muscle health. These exercises can be
beneficial in patients with Osteoarthritis and Inflammatory arthritis, in increasing joint stability. Stretching exercises including yoga can help improve the symptoms of stiffness. Swimming is a good form of workout as the water reduces the weight burden on the joints with
enhanced benefits especially in patients with hip and knee symptoms.
Walking is a good exercise to improve overall health and at least 30 minutes of walking is advised in a day. In an acute flare up of symptoms with increased joint symptoms, exercise is not advised as symptoms might get worse. In an acute flare up of symptoms rest is advised and exercise is to be resumed only after improvement in the symptoms.



Due to dietary habits or restrictions, deficiencies of essential vitamins and minerals can occur. Vitamin D deficiency is commonly seen which can contribute to symptoms of pain and fatigue. Vitamin B12 deficiency, can cause pain with numbness of the feet and legs. Iron and folic acid deficiency can cause Anemia with commonly seen symptoms of fatigue, hair loss and general weakness. Though these deficiencies do not cause arthritis, they can contribute to the increase in symptoms. Appropriate supplementation is necessary alongside treatment for arthritis.



Patients with joint pains tend to decrease water intake in order to reduce movements such as having to go to the toilet. This causes dehydration which triggers joint pains. Dehydration can worsen symptoms especially in Gout. Appropriate hydration is required and in summer months appropriate electrolyte balance has to be maintained in order to prevent cramps.